Trade native cryptos on-chainBTC, ETH, XMR, USDT, USDC and more

SwapWithin and AcrossBlockchains

Start Trading Immediately, No Signup Required

Swap Bitcoin, Ethereum, Monero (XMR), DAI, USDT, USDC and any ERC-20 Token

Trade assets directly, peer-to-peer via distributed order book, without any middlemen

HTLC, Adaptor Signatures, and DLEQ Proofs (ZK Proofs) allow non-custodial cross-chain swaps for blockchains without smart contracts

Private keys never leave your device, stick to “Not Your Keys, Not Your Crypto” principle

Smarter Way To ExchangeCrypto

Best cross-chain swap exchange

Liquidity provided by programmatic market makers which anyone can run.

Atomic Swap Driven Order Book

Swaps can be completed within minutes for BTC and XMR, seconds for ETH / ERC-20.

Limitless Cross-Chain Atomic Swaps

Trade without limits and restrictions, and pay less than on DEXes.

Be In Control of Your Wallet

You control private keys and all the smart contracts involved.

Anywhere you are